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The family economy of the rural poor (working title)

The Geologist delighted in finding quarries.
Tears and slices of landscape;
fine sections of tuffs and lavas,

The jagged crags of resistant rock.
The impressive ridge of the Stiperstones.

Old rocks, like the marbles and schists
In the drowned fault valley
of the Dardanelles –
The Hellespont, swum
by the lovelorn Leander
until he drowned. Gallipoli,
where 130,000 soldiers died.

The geologist’s wife was left behind,
displaced in wooded limestone scarps.
The Silurian district of Ledbury, valleys
cut in the soft shales, sheltering.

Filed under: NaPo 2020, Poetry

About the Author

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Bio: Sarah-Jane's work is inspired by fairytales, nature, psychogeography and surrealism. She uses bricolage to explore the space between real and imagined; creating alternative narratives as small acts of resistance. Sarah-Jane's work can be seen in various journals, including Waxwing Literary Journal, Petrichor, Sugar House Review (Sugar Suites), Thrush Journal and Iron Horse Literary Review. You can find her on Twitter @Sarahjfc or on her website at

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