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This is not a haiku

Titles are tough. At their best they can clue a reader in to otherwise ambiguous meanings, or subtly shift a reading. At their worst, they can be off putting, overly prosaic, pretentious or so weird they don’t work with the poem.

And with visual poems there’s the added bonus of having to juggle the sense-making in the picture with the sense-making in the words.

Luckily, there are random title-generators out there to save us. Ruggenberg’s title generator offered me ‘Lonely flames’ as one choice for this one, which makes me worry about cliche in the found words. Title-O-Matic suggested ‘Shine Radiant’. All of which makes me think we’re living in a huge poetry meme dictated by abstractions.

Poetic Name Generator suggested my name is Haiku, but it took a lot of questions, suggesting I’d nearly broken their algorithm. But this isn’t a Haiku.

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